What is VoWifi??
If you are here just to know the full form then here the info you were looking for ----------- Voice Over Wifi----------- READ FURTHER FOR DETAILED INFO VoWIFI is similar to VoLTE The underline technology is called VOIP(Voice Over Internet Protocol). The existence of VOIP goes to as back as 1955. It is used to reduce the cost of the calls as calling on the internet is much cheaper. An example of VOIP is skype or WhatsApp call. Using this to communicate with people is much cheaper than calling normally. NOW YOU MAY ASKY WHAT IS EXACTLY IS VOIP?? VOIP converts the analog signal(which is our voice) to digital signal that is a bunch of zeros and once and then into data signals which can be sent over the internet! VoWIFI uses technology similar to the VoLTE which is but the main difference is that the digital signal is transferred over wifi on VoWIFI and on LTE network on VoLTE. ADVANTAGES OF VoWIFI 1. Call clarity is crystal clear. 2. If the phone is